Summary of brief: The brief is to remake an ident cycle for a channel of your choice. The ident that will be rebranded is for a company called ‘Freeview’. The campaign should consist of one 60 second ident or two 30 second idents. The ident will need to be clear which corelates to the channel, the content of the channel and the audience. There should be initials ideas for the ident you are going rebrand, there should be a planning documentation which I will have to make which includes legal and ethical issues. After this feedback from the audience should be gathered for your offline edit to produce the ident cycle, I have chosen, to complete the project I need to reflect on how the final products have developed from the original idea. I have interpreted this brief by noticing the keywords and understanding the tasks that I have been set from the brief, I understood this by reading it a couple of times and did research on audio visuals and TV idents. I have also interpreted the bri...