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Initial research into Audio Visual Products (P2)

 Tv ident 1: BBC One 

This TV ident portrays cyclists in the rain forming a line on the road still cycling with different coloured ponchos approaching a roundabout and staying on it is going round and round, this indicates the 'O' from BBC One, it could also signify a loading screen for example when the circle showing up whilst loading a screen and it goes round and round. There may be a meaning to the specific different colours. This TV ident for BBC one represents the channel is a positive way as the circle represents the 'O' in one for the channels name. A TV ident like this have been used for their channels, therefore making this one appropriate to play in between ads, news, or episodes. The narrative of this is to represent the show/channel hence the cyclists in this ident to go around a roundabout many times to form the 'O' shape in the channels name or to either represent a loading symbol. The ident portrays its meaning effectively through the use of several cyclists in different variations of colours to go around a roundabout to represent the channel. 

Tv ident 2: BBC 2

The intent is to convey that the automobile is looking around or searching for something to represent the variety of programming on BBC 2. It also indicates the channel number; the car is also shaped like the number 2. BBC 2 have short idents like these therefore this one is no different to be on display for their channel as it is appropriate. The narrative of this TV ident is to represent their channel by doing this in this TV ident they have made the car as the shape of the number 2 from their channels name, the car then zooms around the free space to signify its patience for the show to start playing or to show the excitedness for the show to start or either to indicate it is searching for what channel to watch (if watching on a laptop, phone or iPad where you can choose the show on the app). This TV ident effectively portrays the meaning of it through the use of the toy car which is in the shape of the number 2 zooming around portraying a variety or meanings behind it, this is effective as it has more than one meaning just by the car moving around a lot and being hyper by the way its moving quickly. 


Both TV idents technical qualities as well as the message and narratives compare. The message of both TV idents compare in the way both idents have a similar meaning however the only difference is the ident represents the channels number within the channels name, for example BBC one has cyclists going around in an 'o' form to express the 'o' in the word One of the channels name, and in the second ident for BBC two the car is in the shape of a 2 to associate the car in the shape of a 2 to the channels name. The comparison of both idents for the meaning of them is that each of the idents have more than just one meaning behind the ident as it can represent a few different meanings to the action being done in the videos of the idents. The comparison in the narrative for each ident is that both of the idents have created a group of people or created something to represent their channels number. 


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